Paleko architektu studija won the first place in M.K.Ciurlionis concert centre competition
The competition assignment was a challenge, requiring to introduce an integral idea, which would reveal special atmosphere of the building during the events, yet become lively, beloved everyday life place.
The idea of our proposal is inspired by exceptional, particular location. This is building – peninsula, that conceptually belongs to the both sides of Nemunas. The relation between the building and the water is essential feature of architectural expression – the reflection in the water becomes inherent part of M.K.Ciurlionis concert centre facade.
By chosen place and character of the building, we try to create urban-landscape balance in a relation with Nemuno island and its Zalgirio arena.
Due to this reason our building volume is reaching towards the old town, and the square – towards Aleksotas.
The building occupies only as much space as it is minimally necessary.