R. Palekas, P.Išora, J. Grinevičius, A. Dovydavičiūtė, B. Puzonas, A. Palekienė
10 000 m2
Contextuality and landscape
In the composition of the science valley there is a sharp axis of the pedestrian path of the east-west direction, along which in the 1970s clear, oblong volumes were designed by architects R.Dičius and J.Jurgelionis. We propose to continue this strategy: the building fills in dashed line which starts form the VGTU rector’s corps. At the other end of the axis, near the Antakalnis Ring, we see a vertical volume – apartment building. The volume of JGMC is similar to the volume of this building, therefore the impact of the apartment on certain points is weakened. We move the building from the building line to the square and offer a garden in between. Thereby we pursue several goals: 1) to avoid shadow casting on the square, 2) to compensate for the loss of trees during the construction.
Architectural idea
The building can and must dominate by its height in the new nucleus. In this way, the building would be clearly visible form distant points of view and taking a closer look, it would become a solid background of an expressive MKIC facades. JGMC is the only new nucleus building that can fill in the future square with its program. In order to strengthen this feature, we chose visual – emotional communication between the square and the building. This would be achieved by using means of architectural expression – through transparent partition it would be possible to see technological equipment, scientists, students, and vice versa they would be able to see a life in the square and the skyline of student town.
The image and aesthetics
Building as a sign or a screen, in which we observe important processes. The image is created by a high clear glass plane, through which building’s life is exposed during the day and night.
The proportions of the volumes and the relation between them is essential. The building is calm and simple, it is like a reflection of old buildings, though it has a completely different architecture language. The new building is characterised by few details, all of which are subtle and precisely fulfilled: connections between different materials and planes are especially important.
The bridge slides through the garden and connects the square with the main entrance. The bridge is a clear sign of entrance, a place where colleagues inevitably meet each other. The garden surface goes down from the square towards the building, so the bridge leads directly to the second floor, immediately reaching the main lobby, where people flows are distributed. This hall leads to the cafeteria, to the entrance of auditoriums and science laboratories, also from here you can see exhibits of zoology museum. The lobby space is illuminated from the top, light flows through the three floors. The entrance hall mood contributes to the idea of openness of the building.
Environmental quality and longevity
We offer unpretentious, but durable materials – concrete, metal, glass, wood.
We propose to avoid painted surfaces and finishing elements (suspended ceilings, tiles, etc.). Technical equipment of the building would hang openly. In this way the maintenance of the building would become simpler.
Functionality and flexibility
We design open spaces where the premises are planned in a flexible way with a possibility to be transformed if necessary. A structure of the columns is working in concert with standard laboratory planning modules, which can be combined into one large laboratory space. We expect a flexible boundary between laboratories and their auxiliary facilities. Blocks of classrooms and auditoriums are planned on the same principal.
We suggest to achieve building energy efficiency by the following means: to save building resources using local production materials and abandoning any non-functional parts inside and out; to collect and reuse rain water; to install solar panels on the auditorium corps roof and use accumulated energy to illuminate building at night and other secondary uses; to use atrium as a “chimney” of natural air convection; to glaze the northern part of the laboratory unit – in this way we reduce the amount of artificial light in the daytime and the costs of cooling the labs.